‘Current affairs’ is not history. Sources that make basis of ‘history’ are not relevant to current affairs. Tools that measure present state of Muslims are numberless scientific studies and surveys that publish almost every year. After its advent in 1992, the Internet is growing exponentially. These days a lot of researchers do not bother to get their data printed. Rather they post it on the internet and usually give a free access to the public. Two important sources are worth mentioning.
Most significant of all sources about present state of Muslims in the world is Pew Research Center. It is a USA (Washington DC) based research institution, funded by charitable, non-profit organizations. Nobody on earth has that much resources and guts to conduct and publish research on Muslims as has Pew Research Center. Beauty of this organization is that it does not take explicit policy positions and tries to be as objective as possible.
CIA World Factbook is a reference source produced by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of United States of America. Its data is public funded and basically prepared for use by the USA government. Some of data that CIA generates is shared with public through publication of CIA World Factbook.
End Notes
- “About Pew Research Center,” Pew Research Center. Accessed 16 Feb. 2018, www.pewresearch.org/about/